
Thursday, February 26, 2004

First email to Erin after she moved out:

Well, that’s one way to rearrange the furniture, remove part of it. I suppose that could have been handled better, if you were upset about something we could have talked about it, but I imagine that it was several things – most of all I hope it was about you being honest with yourself about what you need and it seems pretty clear that you want to leave the Midwest – your job – and your family here behind. This has been without a doubt the hardest year of my life so the fallout from that depression isn’t all that attractive to be around – I know the idea of being trapped in St. Louis till August was grating on you as well. Anyway I hope you’ll honor the commitment you made to pay your half of next month’s rent – there is also the matter of utilities from Jan 15th – Feb 15th – I’ll get you a number on that, but I expect it’s around 150 with the gas and your long distance calls. Without your help on utilities I really will be up a creek without a paddle so please do right by me there. Good luck in life –k-


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