
Monday, February 02, 2004

Just back from the Saratoga - just as you have relationships with people you can also become intimate in a similar rhythm with places - the saratoga is my new bar relationship. It's a second floor bowling alley open since the twenties. I have a friend who bowls there that I know from college days - I had him in one of my composition classes - but before that I taught him to bartend at Ryan's sports bar. His grandmother used to bowl at the saratoga when she was young - it's a bar with presence - where I graduated early to the friendly pour - my gin comes stronger and in larger glasses then it did when first I began to bowl with the girls. - H & V to clone the styles of J. Red beans and rice is almost done - thought about stopping at white castle on the way home but I did drope some change this past weekend so should lay low. More happened in the past weekend than I can easily blog. I went to the ville to get away from city and the tangle of emotions surrounding my week - to go to the annual groundhog party at AP and AP's house - so much wrekage along the way. I spilled a can of gassoline in my back seat... the school bus I own... B's going on the wagon and my perfect storm of self styled chaos turns another under in the wake, got a big chill offer from a third party brokerage of lovin, got evasive in my blog and moved to short hand, it's snowing, I'm going to go eat my red beans and rice - which have, as I, long simmered in their own juices.


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