
Thursday, February 26, 2004

Today's email to Erin:

In addition to the other bills, which I’ll have a subtotal on for you tonight, the long distance bill came today – before you left you ran up a ninety dollar phone bill in addition to the thirty or so from the last bill which I had asked you to subtotal and has since disappeared – which means you owe me roughly 120$ dollars in phone calls alone. I also noticed that you took the phone I lent you with you when you moved out, as well as half of my cooking spices. You left the teapot you burned behind, do you want it? If not, Brad does.

We need to talk about how you plan to take care of the financial bag you’ve left me holding. I signed the new lease a few days before you bailed so I am stuck – everything is of course in my name and I have disconnect notices on all of the utilities. Mary and I covered your first month and half rent on the good faith that you would stay until August, so your offer of March rent is much appreciated and I will certainly expect that in the mail any day.


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