A good day to do your taxes, when you’re broke and it’s raining. All things considered I came out ok. I owe the feds $49.84 for the old illegal war (I hope they spend it treating the members of the military who have been poisoned by their own radioactive bullets – spent uranium shells cut through steel like butter, but they don’t do your testicles or ovaries any good) and the state owes me $141.00 for the car repairs that come of driving on Missouri roads and dealing with the graduates of our under-funded schools. They did this great thing when they brought in the lottery, they promised that much of the lottery profits would go to education, which happened, however they then funneled the money that had been going to education away to other “projects” and ended up with a net loss in funding for schools – what a bunch of bastards.
Broke=motivation. I spent the day getting ready for a rummage sale and cleaning, when the weather is better I’ll make a sign. All my spare cash is apparently stored in the mountains of useless crap that I own, so the time has come to render a crap to cash conversion. Last time I did this I made fourteen hundred dollars (from four sales over the course of a month). Maybe I should do ebay – I have a digital camera and access to mounds of free packing materials that we just recycle at work– hey that’s an idea!!!! I’ve considered getting a booth at a crap mart, but they cost 100 dollars plus a month to rent, plus you pay them a percentage of your sale. It hardly seems worth it, especially when every time I go to these places I see much of the same crap – it’s more like paying for storage than actually having a retail business.
I also hung out with fish and dog. I built the Cichlids a cave from some rocks in the front yard. I really need to get them a filter, a basic filter for a ten-gallon tanks costs twelve dollars. Perhaps I should put my twenty into that and gas.
Last night we watched Human Nature with Tim Robbins and others, by the writer director team of the currently released Spotless Mind. You could tell it was a little rough around the edges by comparison. Overall I enjoyed it, though I don’t think that I would rent it a second time. Angela and Vanessa want to take me to Venus Envy tonight, it’s an art show in celebration of women’s voices. Sit here and be moody or let art save my soul, easy call.
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