In case you hadn’t noticed the new blogger isn’t working very well. It’s doing multiple posts and generally being a pain in the ass. So it is with system upgrades. It is however allowing me this new sleek version of my blog, which I do like. Sorry not to post more today, my home machine crashed hardcore this am and it took multiple system restores and a trip to the Microsoft homepage to resurrect my connection. My links will be back up tomorrow. On a positive note, my new potential roommate Mary Beth (I lived with Mary and I lived with Beth, but here are two great tastes that go great together) is coming over tomorrow night; forty something pop culture grad student who used to manage Blueberry Hill. She seems like Cool & the Gang and after tonight’s phone call(s), we could have a victory over entropy there. For those of you waiting on the Brad directions, they will be forth coming on the morrow I am told, so keep your fingers crossed – we have a ten thirty tee time Sunday at 27 a person for nine holes walking, objections? I’m bringing poker chips etc. so bring cash so that my golf will be free!
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