Today is the first day of the academic session here at work, an intense day. I’ve been here since seven thirty. The roofers, who were here over the weekend, burnt out the third floor air conditioner by shorting out its power source. They also left a fist size hole in the roof, being roofers that does seem antithetical to their avowed purpose. Then Orlando, great name for a heating and cooling repair man (woman?) tracked roofing tar through the building as he attempted to fix said air conditioner. I had to call Andy to fix the hole that the critter control guys left in the siding, Steve to clean up after Orlando. You get the idea, fighting a losing battle. I just want to go to sleep. I am still hurting from Saturday, and whatever weird things flying does to your system. Minnesota one weekend and Dallas the next, no wonder I’m exhausted.
I have been offered a puppy named Rufio with cage etc. that someone else has paid the adoption fees for. I am going to meet him after work and am just not sure if this is such a good idea, but the no string puppy thing may claim me. My boss Deby seems on the verge of quitting. I am out of fish food and quite broke. I brought my change up to the center to cash in for bills. I get paid Friday, but this will be a long week of pasta dishes. I would like to wax rhapsodic over what a nice weekend I had, but right now I am exhausted. I did get the pictures into the on line photo storage thing – – my album name is smallhatmonkey and the guest password is “spleen” I think. The most recent album is Octoberfest, but feel free to browse – there’s a ton of stuff on there. As to my question about what to do, we opted for The Modern in Fort Worth, a fabulous Museum which I highly recommend. More later…
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