
Wednesday, October 27, 2004

I made my goodbye calls today to all the venders that I’ve developed personal phone relationships with, I said goodbye to my email contacts last week. Big jock Jim with the CPR company, Rita of the hot stones in Chicago, Anna at the breathing CD company, Valerie with transform, Jim at Nelson, the husband and wife team at EDCAT down in Florida, Becky in Santa Barbara who draws smiley faces on my orders, April who banters well with me and has just had her first child – I photographed her company T-shirt on our anatomy skeleton and she keeps that picture on her desk, the always ethical Nina (the author of our ethics textbook), Nickel, Ritchie T, Margie of the candles, Jeanine, Christine who is too young for all they want her to manage but she’s doing her best, Laurel whose husband had open heart surgery last year, she also recently lost her father and she still manages to do her job with compassion and dispatch. I only know what four of them look like, but I could pick every voice out of a line up. If well wishers have their way I’ll soon be on easy street.


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