Dream fragment from last night
The Healing Arts Center – or at least a school with a similar cast – has been moved to a farm and classes take place in the barn. I am coming up the road to the barn on a bicycle when I turn around and See Dr. John’s van coming out of the woods with a cop car behind him – he’s not driving on any road, but is making for the road. The chase gets closer, passes me, and I’m racing to catch up with them to see what is going on. John stops in front of the barn but instead of a cop getting of the cop car a giant turkey gets out with a shotgun. Two of the farm hands and myself race up and we have picks and hoes and we are trying to fight off the giant turkey which is having a hard time firing the shotgun with it’s huge talons. We eventually get the gun away from it and chase it off.
An African American couple brings their very young son into the barn to learn medicine from Dr. John. I am thinking how beautiful the chemical equations are all over the board. I am also still thinking about the giant turkey and I think that I need an axe should it come back. I look at several axes that are mounted on the wall and choose something small that is more like a tomahawk. I look at the handle and it is plastic, it says “Boomerang made by Frisbee” and the handle is loose. A boomerang tomahawk is perfect for that giant attacking turkey/cop.
One of the farm hands tells me I should go inside and learn how to use it. I go inside and a shaman and his wife are there, they have just arrived. I am prompted to tell him my vision, but he doesn’t want to hear it, he wants to play music and make small talk. His wife wants him to hear my vision – they mean the attack of the turkey – and eventually she convinces him, so he makes me sit with my back to his while he plays his drum and she plays a flute. I never get to tell the full tale of the dream within a dream – I start to say, “but this is a waking vision” but he just wants to know how old I am. I tell him I am almost thirty-one and he says, “I have a cousin who is thirty, you’ll marry her” and we shake hands on it while I laugh. He then tells me that I need to go visit, “the city of the mounds in Missouri.” I wonder upon awakening if this is a mixed location of Cahokia Mounds and the Cave of The Mounds in Wisconsin.
The next thing I see is TV footage of the city of the mounds, like a tourist commercial, followed by a news segment about a giant burning barn. The barns roof collapses and I see two firefighters leap into the flames below. I might be one of them. A phone is ringing. Someone is calling to tell my friend Beth that I am missing. She says, “No, he’s fine, I know because his cane is here”. That’s the last image of the dream.
What else?
Oh the tigers
Earlier in the dream I work at a zoo – this is my second Siberian tiger dream – all the animals are in cages except the tigers, which are allowed to roam free. I have several encounters with tigers throughout the dream, young and old tigers on the ground and up in trees, and I am telling a women about how afraid they make me and at the same time how I get past the fear and are with them and love them. There are two women in this part of the dream who are jealous of one another and trying to find things out about each other through me. There is a third woman who is a new keeper and I am training her on how not to get killed by the tigers, where not to stand or crouch. That part of the dream is more vague – I just don’t remember it that well. Ah well, interpretations?
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