
Friday, February 11, 2005

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I haven’t sold anything yet out of the mall and I am beginning to get a little worried. Maybe I should have just spent the rent money on a digital camera and gone the ebay route. Still, it does feel good to have less stuff in the house. I keep surprising myself with what I am willing to part with – which it turns out is almost everything.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, it’s been a mixed few days. My new landlord attempted to say that I had not paid first and last months rent, only a deposit. I took the original lease over there and we got it straitened out – good news. The gas company is attempting to retroactively bill us for “estimated” gas use from August on. So we got an eight hundred dollar bill that they think we are going to actually pay: bad news. Come and read the meter fuckers, we have not used 800 dollars in gas in addition to what we have already paid you.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm, Jo, the guy I am writing for, is leaving for India tomorrow and I get to store his car for the nest two months. I’m spending tomorrow driving him around St. Louis and then to the airport. Way to go Jo, it’s the guru that you do so well.

Hannah’s mom called to ask if she could print an edited version of my story about working Bingo in the Epilepsy Foundations newsletter – so I get another screen credit to add to the old portfolio. This screen credit is better than the articles in The Healthy Planet as I am not surreptitiously selling anything. I asked her to find me a job. Maybe the Epilepsy Foundation will hire me to write humorous pieces to liven up the rag and increase circulation. Nah.

I am about to go drinking with my sister V and I think Beth might meet us there. V called earlier and bemoaned not going out much, so we are off to yuppie trendy county hell – otherwise known as Syberg’s Happy Hour. Make with the workaday drunks, it’s karaoke time! Well, hot wings and a gin & tonic anyway. So if you want to stalk me, I'll be there in about an hour. I'm the guy in the blue shirt.


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