
Friday, July 29, 2005

Answering http://www.sp00kalot.blogspot.com/ :

1) Would you happily eat the same food day after day?


2) Would you be a contestant on Fear Factor?


3) What's your favorite vice?

Miami? Blah – Gluttony? Lust? I suppose the vice would be drunkenness as a subheading under gluttony if we are using the seven deadly as a frame.

4) When you dream, are there particular objects that seem to reappear often, and if so, have you ever tried to figure out the significance of them?

Yes, fish tanks, yes.

5) Can you take criticism and blame without resentment?

Sometimes, mostly, yes.

6) What is it?

Early cave painting in Sapin.

7) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I would like my memory to work better.

8) For a healthier society, do you believe it would be better if we physically touched each other more often?


9) If you were given money and told you could only use it towards a cosmetic surgery, what would you want?

Has anyone seen my six-pack? I think I left it in the vanity back in high school.

10) What do you collect, and why do you think you collect them?

Tiki – the Loa told me to

11) What is it?

One dollar bill?
12) If the bank gave you $10 extra when you cashed your check, would you tell them?

No, Fuckers.

13) If the bank gave you $100 extra when you cashed your check, would you tell them?

No, Fuckers.

14) Do you believe hatred should be avoided, expressed directly to those whom you hate, or always be felt but only expressed in limited circumstances?

Hate hurts the hater most and should be avoided like an anvil boomerang.

15) What delicious morsel is non-negotiable in your diet? You will never give it up, you will always eat it, and your scale can bite you.
Beets. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM beeeeeeeeets

16) Do you feel the need to take something to relieve stress or tension, or do you rely on diet and exercise to feel better?
I like a drink because I like a drink, and would drink a drink come rain or shine. I have drunk drinks to get through stress, but it doesn’t seem essential and I don’t currently.

17) Do you sometimes find yourself complaining and boring people with your troubles?

Ah, just maybe, like say anyone who has a blog does this daily.

18) In no more than two words, name something you are afraid of.


19) Are you understanding when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time, or do you get pissy with them and threaten to disown them?
I have never threatened to disown anyone, nor will I. “Own or disown. There is no threaten.”

20) Since 911, are you able to have no prejudice or discomfort WHATSOEVER with others' creeds, colors, religions, or beliefs?
I don’t see 911 as some kind of watershed to license, sanction, or in anyway permit xenophobic out grouping. People seem to have forgotten that the terrorist bombings in Oklahoma were carried out by rural white Christians and the IRA have lit a few fuses in their time. I have always felt bewildered by people of any faith who preach or condone hatred and violence in any form, as it runs counter to the most basic of religious sentiments. Turn the other cheek, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. There are no “but” or “under special circumstances” in those phrases. There is no such thing as a just war. Has it been lost on everyone that the most successful revolutions of the past several hundred years have all been achieved through non-violence? Tanks and guns beget tanks and guns. This not a naive perspective, all smart bombs get you is stupid casualties. Ask the thousands of limbless survivors in Iraq, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc.
21) What is it?

Your Fallopian tube? The mythical land inside the couch.
22) Does the thought of vigorous physical exercise make you happy and ready to get to it, or cranky and make you want to find your couch?

Happy if there is a bike involved.

23) What's the magic word?


24) Who is it?

Gina Lola Someone

26) What's your poison?


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