Are blogs about summary? As in I summarize my time for the reader and myself. This is a vaguely literary exercise, which will ultimately boost your descriptive chops, right? I read other random blogs and summary does seem to be the main thing. Summary of last night post blog: talked to Angela again, watched Letterman, fell asleep on couch before Sting segment, woke up on couch at one am, went up to bed, dreams, wake up with no blood in one arm, adjust, dreams, wake up via dog nose in my palm, very cute.
My dog is a good communicator. Once he has me awake through the cold nose treatment he stomps his front feet, meaning he alternates his weight from the right to left foot rapidly, this means he needs to go out. If we anthropomorphize this gesture it seems akin to crossing your legs and saying, “I don’t know how much longer I can hold it.” I go downstairs and open the back door. I hook his collar to the tether and let him out. I raid the fridge for some cold chicken and poor myself a glass of water. He comes to the bottom of the stairs and barks once to signal that he is ready to come back in.
It’s very warm out, I’m going to turn the heat off again to save scratch. What should I wear to the dinner tonight? My nice pants need to be dry-cleaned and it’s too late to start that process, dry cleaning also falls into the too expensive for my life right now category. I need to budget what I have left until the fifteenth based on yesterdays utility extravaganza and the lack of solid roommate. I bring the dog in and he goes to his empty food and water dish, looking up at me. I fill the food and water dish and he has breakfast. Very smart dog, “here’s what I need next in a land of non-verbal signs”. Though he does vocalize, there is a language that he uses. And he certainly has a large English vocabulary. He knows the names of his various playmates. He acts like a puppy should anyone say, “walk.” His greatest joy is the walk.
My favorite vocalization is a rare one and done strictly of instinct in sympathy with ambulances and fire trucks. When an emergency vehicle goes by out front with sirens at full tilt, you can hear them coming and going for some time. Bastian (shortened from Sebastian – no not the Disney crab) will sit on his haunches, put his head back, and do a wolf howl in pitch with the sirens. I was so surprised the first time he did this (right after the move to St. Louis) as he was seven or eight and hadn’t done it before. I often will attempt to howl with him as I think this gesture is hilarious and also linked to a kind of animal wildness – makes me think of the discussion in Hesse’s Steppenwolf on the nature of civilized man. The siren is like a wolf howl, it causes humans to pause and get out of the way of dangerously speeding emergency equipment. How long have we lived with the warning cries of our animals?
Hesse…. I shoul reread that – the many doors of the theater of the mind has something akin to the blog about it. Am I building a literary theory about blogging – instinctive I suppose. Leslie went into that didn’t she – went to New York to write about hypertext and James Joyce in buffalo. Wamp!!!!! James Joyce in my dream last night. Work dream with overlaps. Dr. John and Dan from the ville are the only two people in a Joyce class that we’re having at the center – there is some conflict in that we have to cancel a day for weather or something and I’m thinking how ironic it is that Dan is leading a Joyce seminar with only one other person when in the Joyce class in Graduate School he kept threatening to run over Finnegan’s Wake with his lawn mower. What other details. Anne is married and has a tall duffie husband – there is supposed to be a hot stone class but we’ve sold out of hot stones and then Anne and I walk into downtown Clayton in order to properly aerate the water that we are going to put the rocks in. We send her husband off to buy more rocks. I am walking back to work with one of my green ceramic bowls filled with water that is bubbling like it has Alka-Seltzer in it. You don’t use water in stone massage. What is this dream about? I frequently use that green bowl in food prep so it makes sense for it to be there. The fizzing water is a cleanse that must be handled carefully – walk slowly with it so you don’t spill. Joyce. Finnegan begin again. The mythic in the everyday….I’m going to have to think about this and see what else I can recall – I’ll keep you posted – off to yoga.
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