I bought a stovetop espresso maker the other day after work, I had to run the pre-natal massage certificates by Brentwood Physical Therapy for Suzanne to sign (the workshop was a big success and we’re rebooking her for the fall), so I thought I’d hit the Manchester Goodwill, two bucks and it works great. I really need to get rid of things and the coffers are once again running dry, and yet I buy new crap – well, perhaps this will prompt me to get rid of the old espresso machine, which I never use.
I had a funny moment when the AT&T bill came yesterday. Last months bill had Erin on it and was $130 dollars. The bill post Erin was $10.68. I’ve never really been into long phone calls and I really keep up with most people either online or in one long call every few months. I am also now done with AT&T, cancelled my service and I am just an SBC boy, it feels good to get someone’s corporate hand out of your pocket. It felt that way when we got rid of cable. I actually should do more and cancel DSL since I have it at work. When Erin lived here she told me several times that I didn’t talk to her enough, I think that the disjunct is that I don’t talk as much as she does period, to anyone, but especially if a meter is running. I feel like my teenager has moved out and it is quite a relief.
I read the opening of Tropic of Cancer yesterday – (paraphrasing) I have no money and I have no prospects and I’ve never been happier in my life – the simple life does have a strong draw.
I feel you on the credit card front Jen. I made this plan to be debt free in five years. I started it two years ago in September, actually the month R moved out, and I am on track to being debt free in three years, I’ve paid down more than eleven thousand in debt. Deby pointed out that I live below the poverty line, but it doesn’t feel like I do, it’s just extended college living. If I don’t get the full time teaching job I am going to pick up adjunct work for some extra cash. I had started a freelance writing thing, but I quit when the Glenn shit hit the fan, I just didn’t have the emotional energy to work two jobs. I did much of the advertising copy for The Fleur De Lys, wrote some of their menus and did their home page. I enjoyed it at first, but then if you’re sitting down to write, whay are you writing advertising? Because it pays you ya broke dummy.
Coffee, mmmmmmmmmmmm, I steamed some milk and am having an am cappuccino. It’s raining here. Last night Angela and I watched The Italian Job, which was a bland chase movie only redeemed by Charlize Theron’s attractiveness.
This weekend promises to be a good one as I have a three-day break (I have Monday off to run errands), BJ and Paul are both coming into town Friday night so it will be good to catch up with them. Ah well, must get me to work.
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