
Sunday, May 01, 2005

As per usual, mine was a weekend laden with parties. On Friday, after happy hour with my sister and Angela, I met Kat and crew over at Jess’s for her going away party (to a glass blowers conference in Australia returning via Hawaii). Kat has a cool visual pastiche of the evening up on her page. Jess had been gifted a forty of Old English by someone at the party and I was enlisted in the task of volume reduction so that she might present the illusion of hurried consumption. Yes, that is a task I can do for you.

The schlocky looking snugglers (Pixie T-shirt) are Chris and Vanessa celebrating their one-year anniversary. Yes, you can meet people online. I can’t explain that underwear picture in the upper left. I think that happened after I went home. Yes, people were playing trivial pursuit. A plan was hatched regarding the bus’s electrics. We shall see.

Saturday I spent the morning cruising estate sales with Mary. She got a pink depression-glass platter for Beth’s birthday and we managed a few other odds and ends. I had no great finds but I like being out on warm days wandering through stranger’s homes, it’s a soothing sort of wander.

M.B. has joined netflix and got the first few episodes of the L Word on DVD. I was surprised to discover that I know, or knew at least, one of the leads. I went to high school with Erin Cohen, now Daniels I guess. Mary has this happen to her all the time, where people she knew in California show up in film credits. There’s something very “oh…huh” about it, just a little more kindling for the “what the fuck am I doing with my life” fire.

So, Saturday was Beth’s birthday BBQ (when asked recently what he was doing with his life Karl thought for a time and responded, “grilling it”). I’m sure she’ll have pictures up later, after the company softball game. It was a great party and the food was fabulous. I did provide four dolphin ice sculptures for ambiance so apparently I am not a total waste of oxygen. My brother Andy told me to get married so that I would stop drifting through life and have direction. Hehehehehehehehe. That’s a cart before a horse if I ever saw one.

Today is cleaning and laundry day in the house. Karen is putting a good word for me in at a bar she used to work at, so perhaps this very week I shall return ablaze to the service class. I should start a novel so I can tell myself that I’m really a writer when my self-esteem starts to wobble like a Weeble. Those Weebles don’t fall down, but sometimes it sure looks like they are going to.


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