
Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Oh my Jesus Fucking Christ… one of my requirements for this little three-week class is that I attend the full meeting of a local school board and report on it. I checked the local web page and I’d missed U-City’s so I checked my old HS and it was tonight. I did a crash course presentation in the pre Socratics and The Allegory of the Cave for my fellow students up at UMSL from 5:30 – 6:30 and then I ducked out of class early to make the seven thirty meeting…

If I have sinned in this life and there is a hell that gives us each our own personal chamber of horrors I will spend eternity in a Board of Education Meeting listening to this fucker grandstand and second guess every easily passable point while the other members of the board and the thirty people in the audience look on in disbelief. That guy needs a beating. Fourteen years since I graduated and the only face I recognize is my sex education teacher, go figure. He looks the same so I’m thinking Tantra.

When did the meeting end? Eleven ten. What’s the shortest distance between two points? Me at the end of that meeting and a bottle of gin. I had to sit through the physical education report, the school food report, and the 2007 class schedule committee. That’s it. Three and a half hours for three twenty minute presentations and endless self-important irrelevant bullshit. How do these people live? I feel like I have just gone through a grand hazing.

I’d let you take a toenail before I’d sit in a meeting like that again. How is it possible that so many people conspire together to waste so much oxygen? The bureaucracies of the world make Sisyphus and his rock seem like a pleasure cruise to the Bahamas. The greatest fields of waste in this century are not landfills or radioactive dumps; they are the gristmills of human potential squandered on the minutia of voting on minutes and fanaticizing relevance in what passes for educational oversight.


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