
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

After a break up – or a relationship redefinition – or whatever it is exactly that we’re doing – which is none of your business by the way – people often write about their emotions – their reasoning – being careful about the panoply of emotions that are involved. Right, I assume you’re with me on all that.

Can I just say I am SO FUCKING BORED!!!! I watched not one, but two whole sporting events in a single week!!!!! I am not a sports guy. Sports are fine, but two whole games in a single week?!?!?

Brad, “You’re bored aren’t you.” “I am reading a comic book.” “You can hear the boredom in your voice.” “Yup, I’m bored. I am so bored that I have started fixing things and I am reading a comic book.” “That’s pretty fucking bored. What comic book are you reading?” “Apparently I own a signed copy of Season of the Mists by Neil Gaimen. The inscription reads, ‘Keep Dreaming Karl’ I must have told him to spell it with a K.” I was twenty when he signed it, he was younger then than I am now. Tonight: BILLS!!!! Singledom is a land of adventure.

I’m going to the ville for the weekend – nine out of ten Shamans agree, “Karl, you own a school bus. Any sort of vision quest must needs involve the resurrection of the Big Blue Bus.”


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