Whirlwind tour. Jo got in late on Saturday so instead of touring St. Louis I just took him right to the airport. I got up early and took M.B. to the airport to fly to Virginia so it was another Carlo’s airport taxi day. I got to visit both terminals.
Post M.B. flee, I spent most of the morning waiting for Jo to show up and I had one of those cleaning fits that starts innocently enough, just a little straightening up, and then I had the cover off the stove, the kitchen walls (to the ceiling) and the dishwasher scrubbed down, the kitchen floor mopped – including moving appliances, the couch and the upstairs vacuumed (with is that word spelled that way?), both bathrooms cleaned, etc.
So after the Jo show I mothballed his car, which I will be minding until May, and then I loaded up my own vehicle, ran the dog over to Brad and Beth’s and headed out for Jason’s Birthday party in K.C. That is a story that perhaps I’ll tell tomorrow. We had a boys gone wild night and then I drove back today, stopping off in Columbia to have dinner with Paul & Caroline. Now it’s home alone and Jazz Unlimited with Dennis on KBIA. Currently, at 10:10, it’s Clifford Brown. Dennis is hosting a thing tomorrow on the music and poetry of Mingus that I am thinking about going to, or Madahoochie – hard to say. Both? I am embracing a sprite-like mobility.
What do we think of me becoming a lawyer? I got a pitch today from the lawyer boys that I must say has got me thinking. Honestly, it’s what most of my peers did so think of the crib sheets I could get.
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