
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

I have a semblance of a suit laid out for an interview later this morning and then it is off to the library for more immersion in educational theory; yesterday was John Dewey, today is George Counts. I’m not sure what I am doing with this blog right now, as I don’t really seem to have many stories to tell. I went back to read last year’s posts and I noticed that I was writing a great deal more then relative to now. I guess the things I am pondering are mostly related to my coursework and I assume that they are of little general interest.

Maybe I am more about doing right now than being. It seems like there is something I could or need to be doing every minute of the day. Believe me, that is a very good thing. There is the old philosophical assertion that repression fosters creativity to utilize energies frustrated by systems of control. Translation: I might have fewer stories as my life sucks a great deal less than it did last year at this time, working as I was in a dead end job. Maybe not, I am still a little repressed. I had a series of personal losses and complicated relationships that had left me a little done: content to watch life. This spring things seem to be slowly germinating towards a more participatory existence.

I talked to my friends John and Milena last night. They are coming to visit in July with their son Alex. Milena wants to fix me up with her cousin, who speaks only Bulgarian and French. She’s living in Canada right now wrestling with immigration and employment issues. I don’t speak French and I only know a few inappropriate phrases in Bulgarian more suitable to developing short-term romantic prospects, but I do speak Canadian so maybe if we give it a little time…

Beth and Angela get back from Mexico tonight. Soon I’ll be traveling to the Ozarks and Oregon. I am waiting on my financial aid check to arrive to fund this sketchy life. I have lots of little hoops to jump through this summer to square away my fall internship and the process is like building a run of dominoes and then waiting for the effect. I am wondering if high school is right for me. It seems to me right now that teaching HS for a time will lead me back into college. This new job, in concert with my education studies, may hurtle me into a life of online explorations.

My actual birthday was uneventful, spent in homework and errand mode. I love my Dolphin pen Kat, it has already taken many notes.


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