
Monday, August 22, 2005

As my father would say, "Well, that's it then."

Summer is officially over. I spent much of today in lines getting various widgets in order for my classes that start tomorrow. Just as classes start the heat breaks. It's only going to be in the mid eighties tomorrow and might be getting down into the fifties this weekend. Figures.

I am over at Kat's house where she has just served Jes and I an evening meal of roasted chicken and other sundries. Jes had her food modified a bit as she is getting a root canal on Wednesday and has an open hole right now where the tooth used to be. They are only going to kill two of the three roots, so she's got that going for her, which is nice - a great way to start your teaching week. We spent part of the afternoon prepping the ceramics studio at UMSL - I got to shelve molds while she did lots of general cleaning. Our schedules don't match up too well, so despite our shared presence on campus, we won't be doing lunch.

What have I been thinking about as the page turns? As I was biking down Clayton road Sunday morning at one a.m. in the throng of people that was the Moonlight Ramble I remembered that last year I had been in a car obstructed by this same event. I was thinking about this as I approached the intersection of Clayton and Big Bend, the same intersection I was stuck waiting at the year before. It's odd to have a year of your life framed by an intersection and the right of way tension between man and motor, a figurative imagining in the crosshairs of two streets that I have lived and worked along for a significant part of the past twenty one years, since I fist moved to St. Louis in 1984.

What's it all mean? Bill says it well in Broken Flowers: The past is gone, the future isn't here yet, so all you've got is now.

I enjoyed riding in the ramble with Jes's Nephew Brad. He was kind of all over the road and sped up and slowed down a lot so I mostly just paced myself to him. He seemed like a good kid. He attends a religious school so his classes actually started the next day - Sunday. We tried to convince him to use the all night ride to up his coolness factor with the other kids. Late nights out in the world are intrinsic cool at his age.

I feel like I should write more about Karen's wedding or the Blues Travelers show on Sunday, which were both a lot of fun, but I am already in school mode and should really by studying for a placement grammar test.

My brain has not been working so well and I am once again concerned about the meds I am on. It took me much longer today then it should have to plot out my weekly schedule. I kept looking at these pages of information and couldn't get them to make clear interpretive sense. This bodes well for grammar testing does it not. I may well be doomed to two semesters of diagramming sentences. I should not over react to a little exhaustion, after reading what I did over the weekend it's clear I just need some water and some sleep.

It's Jes's 30th Birthday and Jason/BJ will be up this weekend so I need to make advanced strides on any and all work that crops up this week. Then Jes and I are off to Wisconsin the following weekend for Labor Day. I like the too much to do world at this end of it, where the fight still seems exciting, coated as it is with anticipation.


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