
Saturday, March 25, 2006

In a sense I am still unpacking. I say that not because so many things are still in boxes, but because I don’t know where a good many things are; I haven’t rediscovered them enough times to be sure where they are. Specifically, I can’t find my bowling ball.

I’m in a pensive mood this morning as I have, we have, some big decisions to make. I have two job offers on the table right now. One is in Herman and the other in Hillsborough. I don’t have to take either job. Both jobs are good offers. One is a little more money while the other is teaching more advanced students. If I take either position we’ll have to move, either south or west about an hour. I have until Wednesday morning to make this decision.

Do I take the job? Do we move? Do we buy a house? I like this apartment, but it’s too small. I like this neighborhood, but obviously the crime is a little high. Do I hope for a job offer in the city and say no to both offers? In Herman I would be division head after a year. In Hillsborough it might take longer, but the base salary is higher…


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