
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Disorganized obvious:

Back in January I called the Social Security one eight hundred number to order a new card since I hadn’t seen or needed mine in several years. I used to keep it in my wallet and I figured I must have lost or misplaced it. Instead of sending me a card they sent me an application, which I filled out and sent back – weeks ago. Yesterday they sent me a letter stating that they would need additional information to process my request including a certified copy of my birth certificate and a copy of my driver’s license. They also warned me it would be weeks, even with the new information. I need a social security card to work temp jobs so this has been a bit of a barrier.

This process of card replacement is slightly more complicated in my case since I am a foreign born citizen. I was born in New Guinea on May 23rd, from which I have a State Department document called an Extract of Entry. It’s a funny sort of document that reminds me of government travel papers intended to ensure that my passage from contained uterus to general atmosphere was done so legally and with full citizenship pursuant to the provisions of the Registration Ordinance of 1963, section 25.

If you figure my entry was actually an exit from the gestation green room, noted for its comfort such that extractions, caesarian and otherwise, are often required, then the terminology becomes more humorous.

My birth certificate is from Brisbane, Queensland Australia dated September 11th 1973 because back then New Guinea was an Australian protectorate rather than an independent state. When I was eighteen I had to declare as a U.S. Citizen, but Australia is more open with their employment law so I could actually work there without the normal sort of employment visas that a regular U.S. citizen would need. In turn Australia has a deal with Britain that would allow me to work there as well, which begs the question “what the fuck am I doing here?” As I understand it this work loophole pisses the U.S. off and has been a point of contention, mostly manifest not in departure but in attempted return. Perhaps something for a kinder gentler future if we ever manage to get these assholes out of power.

Anyway, I went to my files to get the actual certificates thinking I would skip the mail and just go to the office today and brave the lines and manifold explanations that I had been hoping to avoid with the mail in process. I had to go through the same thing a few years back to get my passport, so I have extra copies all ready to go for just this sort of situation. There, in the folder with my birth certificate, was the missing social security card. It’s a little worn, but still functional for purposes of temporary employment.

It’s a nice Buddhist reminder – you already have everything you need, you had it at birth.


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