
Sunday, February 26, 2006

I can’t type on Jes’ laptop. The cursor keeps jumping around and driving me crazy. Theoretically I could turn the cursor off, but as I don’t know how to do that at the moment, so it’s just easier to switch machines.

No news on the car theft front. Kid-joyriding is apparently really common. I’ve talked to several friends who’ve had their cars stolen in the last year and all of them have had their cars found relatively undamaged within a two week window of the theft. That’s what I am looking at – sometime within the next two weeks. The exception would be a friend whose car was involved in several accidents, urinated in and then torched. Let’s not go there.

As you probably know I am very into hospitality and the thought that one of my guest’s cars could be stolen or vandalized is making me a little crazy. I almost feel like investing in a set of guest clubs for people who occasionally stay with us. I’m going to have to say folks; the airport garage is probably safer than our neighborhood.

Crime was one of my concerns when we moved here from U-city. I said first that I didn’t want to leave the little grocery store up the street and the apartment that I loved. But the grocery up the street closed and it took Katie many gallons of Kills to deal with the cigarette smoke in the once loved apartment. Our new place smelled of smoke until we got rid of a few fabric pieces of furniture. I have trouble with my blood pressure and living there was like smoking a few packs a day. My numbers are gradually dropping as I detoxify from the haze.

So I didn’t want to move to the city for the above reasons (that and I have a lot of crap so moving it was a pain), but also because I was worried about crime. I was convinced by several people that I didn’t have a car worth stealing, but just in case Jes and I worked out that I would park in back and she would park on the street. It turns out that the street is the safer bet with more human traffic. It’s not like they stole it in the middle of the night. They took it in the early evening.

If you’re thinking that it’s just a car and he’ll be fine, you’re right. Immediate problems are that I only carry liability insurance. It’s all I’ve ever carried on any vehicle I’ve owned as I’ve never owned a vehicle that blue booked at over twelve hundred, so what’s the point in all that extra coverage (LIKE THEAFT PROTECTION!!!). Anyway, please summon up your Tinker-Bell-Lives mojo and use your collective psychic powers to will that my car is found soon and in good condition. As Schopenhauer said, the world is nothing but will and representation. I need you all to represent for me and will a good outcome to this story.


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