
Saturday, December 10, 2005

The last throws of the semester are a little like thrashes. Because I am in fifteen hours of graduate work, I am teaching two classes with three plagiarists (they all handed in the exact same four papers with only the names changed – making that twelve instances of plagiarism), and have finally wound up my internship - I have lots of culminating projects. I am now done with the hard ones and have easy ones left. Still, I am mentally cooked which makes the easy projects seem much harder than they are.

My sister V was trying to make some time to see me and she asked when my last class was. “Thursday morning,” I told her. Unfortunately I realized as I said it that it was Thursday afternoon already and I had unintentionally skipped it. I felt so done after my Wednesday night class that I guess I thought I was. No big deal, I haven’t missed that class more than one other time all term and all we were going to do was the evaluation. She probably chalked the skip up to the snow storm that was in progress.

Anyway, that’s me for one more week and then I am moving. What works for you, Saturday or Sunday?


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